Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a mantra meditation practice that has been found to reduce stress hormones naturally. A landmark study published in Hormones and Behaviour found that TM reduces excessive cortisol levels by 30 percent. This technique, taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is practiced for 15-20 minutes twice daily, sitting comfortably with eyes closed. Previous studies have reported altered levels of several hormones, but the underlying biological mechanisms of TM are not yet understood.
This randomized clinical trial assessed the efficacy of TM practice over a 3-month period for the reduction of stress among health professionals. The study examined changes in baseline levels and acute responses to laboratory stressors for four hormones: cortisol, oxytocin, and melatonin. The study also found that TM reduced blood pressure levels in subjects of both sexes and at low and high risk.
A randomized controlled study of 27 college students found that four weeks of TM practice significantly reduced the level of the major stress hormone, plasma cortisol. Prior clinical trials suggest that TM may decrease blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive individuals but did not significantly change in control subjects.
In conclusion, TM is a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety, and its effectiveness in reducing cortisol levels has been well-documented. Further research is needed to fully understand the underlying biological mechanisms of TM and its potential benefits for various health conditions.
📹 Transcendental Meditation: A Scientific Perspective by Quantum Physicist John Hagelin, PhD
In this intro video, quantum physicist and certified TM teacher John Hagelin, PhD explains the Transcendental Meditation …
Is the Maharishi effect real?
The Maharishi Effect, a theory proposed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a significant social and psychological phenomenon that has been studied extensively. In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first observed in 1974 and reported in a 1976 paper. The Maharishi Effect was later extended to cover the influence generated by the group practice of the TM-Sidhi program.
Maharishi introduced the TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, in 1976. Group practice of this program was observed to be particularly beneficial. Scientists estimated that the coherence generated by group practice of the TM-Sidhi program should be proportional to the square of the number of participants. Taking into account the “1” finding, it was predicted that a group with size equal to the square root of 1 of a population would have a measurable influence on the quality of life of that population.
For example, a group of 200 practicing the TM-Sidhi program together in a city of four million would be sufficient to produce a measurable influence on the whole city. A group of 1, 600 in the U. S. would influence 256 million people, the whole population of the U. S., and a group of 7, 000 would influence 4. 9 billion people, the world’s population at that time.
Can TM change your life?
The author discusses the benefits of meditation (TM) in their daily life, highlighting its ability to provide a sense of calm and focus amidst the chaos of the modern world. They mention finding time in their travels and workdays to be with themselves and their mantra, allowing them to re-center themselves without being dependent on others. TM has significantly changed their approach to life, allowing them to handle new experiences without panic. They highly recommend TM to anyone struggling to find balance, especially considering the limited time they have.
What are the criticism of TM?
The Transcendental Meditation movement (TM) is a group of programs and organizations that promote the Transcendental Meditation technique, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India in the 1950s. The organization has grown significantly, with an estimated 5 million participants in recent years. Programs include the TM-Sidhi program, Maharishi Ayurveda, and Maharishi Sthapatya Ved. The TM movement has a media presence, including a publishing company, television stations, radio stations, and satellite channels.
Its products and services are primarily offered through nonprofit and educational outlets like the Global Country of World Peace and the David Lynch Foundation. The TM movement operates a worldwide network of teaching centers, schools, universities, health centers, herbal supplement, solar panel, and home financing companies, and several TM-centered communities. The global organization is estimated to have a net worth of USD 3. 5 billion. Skeptics have called the associated theories of the Science of Creative Intelligence and the Maharishi Effect “pseudoscience”.
What does TM do to your brain?
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a practice that has been demonstrated to enhance brain function by increasing coherent communication, which in turn leads to improved focus, comprehension, problem-solving, and motivation. Furthermore, it facilitates the individual’s ability to access and utilize their inherent creative potential. To gain further insight into the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM), it is recommended to attend a group information session led by a certified instructor. The practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) has been demonstrated to result in deeper sleep, enhanced cardiovascular health, and a reduction in anxiety levels, as evidenced by research findings.
Is there a downside to Transcendental Meditation?
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a technique that promotes relaxed awareness and avoids distracting thoughts. It gained popularity due to its association with the Beatles but is still studied for its health benefits. TM advocates claim that meditation “transcended” the ordinary thinking process, replacing it with pure consciousness, achieving perfect stillness, rest, stability, and order. Regular meditation has been found to reduce chronic pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and the use of healthcare services. However, it is important to consult a doctor or mental health professional before starting TM if you have a mental health condition.
Why is Transcendental Meditation so expensive?
The TM course fee is based on a trained instructor’s time, in-depth classes, follow-up meetings, teaching space, and the expenses of running a non-profit organization. The fee is determined by family income and the cost of making the program available nationwide. The TM technique is offered by a non-profit educational organization (501(c)) that aims to bring scientifically validated mental, physical, and emotional benefits to women in the USA. The TM technique is unique in that it shows:
What is the Maharishi University scandal?
In 1986, seven former devotees filed a fraud suit against Maharishi International University, alleging that they paid thousands of dollars for lessons designed to reduce stress, improve memory, reverse aging, and develop clairvoyance and levitation. One plaintiff claimed that after ten years, he had not acquired any of the special abilities promised. Michael D’Antonio, author and reporter, criticized the university’s physics department for teaching theories he believed were “dead wrong” and alleged that Transcendental Meditation was taken into a grandiose narcissistic dream.
MIU is listed in Peterson’s 440 Great Colleges for Top Students 2010, and its students have given their college experience a higher than average satisfaction rating. Graduates have reported higher than average satisfaction ratings, with 73 saying they would choose MIU again. The university has been categorized as a “Sierra Club Cool School” and ranked as the fourth best environmental science school by Career Guide website, Environmental Science, in 2014.
Why are TM mantras secret?
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a meditation technique that involves silently repeating a mantra with gentle effortlessness, sitting comfortably with eyes closed and without assuming any special yoga position. The mantra is said to be a vehicle that allows the individual’s attention to travel naturally to a less active, quieter style of mental functioning. TM meditators are instructed to keep their mantra secret to ensure maximum results, avoid confusion, and protect against inaccurate teaching.
The Maharishi has standardized and “mechanized” the mantra selection process by using a specific set of mantras and making the selection process foolproof. Each student is assigned a specific mantra or sound during training given by a certified TM teacher, with instructions on its proper use. The Maharishi emphasizes the importance of selecting a proper thought or mantra, as the power of thought increases when the thought is appreciated in its infant stages of development.
Mantras for householders and recluses differ, with many commonly found in books being mantras for recluses and potentially causing a person to withdraw from life. Former TM teacher Lola Williamson tells her TM students that their mantra was chosen for them based on personal interviews, while sociologist Roy Wallis and religious scholar J. Gordon Melton write that the mantras are assigned by age and gender. In 1984, 16 mantras were published in Omni magazine based on information from “disaffected TM teachers”.
TM teachers say that the promised results depend on a trained Transcendental Meditation teacher choosing the mantra for their student.
Is TM scientifically proven?
A reduction in insulin resistance of 44 percent was observed in patients with coronary heart disease, along with notable decreases in insomnia and other wellness and burnout measures after three months of Transcendental Meditation (TM) practice.
Can you reverse high cortisol?
Cortisol levels can be managed or lowered naturally through relaxation techniques, dietary changes, quitting smoking, and taking supplements. The adrenal glands release cortisol in short bursts to help adapt to stress. The brain and adrenal glands can regulate cortisol on their own. However, individuals with chronic stress, certain medical conditions, or certain medications may have higher cortisol levels. Lowering stress can help lower cortisol levels in many cases. Other techniques for lowering cortisol levels include relaxation techniques, dietary changes, quitting smoking, and taking supplements.
What are the disadvantages of Transcendental Meditation?
Transcendental meditation is a technique that involves focusing on one’s thoughts or emotions, allowing them to become more aware and relaxed. It can lead to physical discomfort, increased awareness of thoughts or emotions, and a deep state of relaxation that can cause fatigue or drowsiness. The technique is secretive and has been linked to various health issues, including anxiety and depression. Some practitioners may experience side effects, such as stiffness, muscle aches, or restlessness, but it is generally considered safe and effective.
📹 An Introduction to Transcendental Meditation | Dr Tony Nader MD, PhD, MARR
What is Transcendental Meditation and why do it? Your questions and the answers. Dr Tony Nader | Books …
This guy is a hardcore world renowned Quantum Physicist who has conducted pioneering research at CERN and also a recipient of the prestigious Kilby Award, which recognizes scientists who have made “major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology.” The award recognized Dr.John Hagelin as “a scientist in the tradition of Einstein, Jeans, Bohr and Eddington.”
I have been practicing TM for 40 years. Sucessful meditation for me, is coming out of it, without having any awareness of where the last twenty minutes went. Imagine how refreshing it must be for 20 minutes to have no internal dialogue, no problems, no stress. If you have difficulty going to sleep at night because you are all wound up about something, I use the same method to clear out my mind and drift off to sleep. Some people here complain about the fees, but I would not try to do it on the cheap. I have tried to teach my friends with out great effect and in the future I recommend that they go to a pro and pay the fee.
John Hagelin is one of my heroes. I voted for him three times when he ran for President under the Natural Law Party. What I love about Hagelin is that he has the scientific background which enables him to clearly explain on an intellectual level what TM is and how it works. But the best testimony comes from kids in inner city schools; or veterans suffering from PSTD; or young autistic kids, or prisoners who’ve benefited from learning the technique. It works.
I am quite familiar with the notion that “transformative wisdom should be free,” just as I am familiar with the need to pay one’s bills or to grow a movement so that it is not overshadowed by better-marketed, profit-driven, and less transformative groups. My confidence is in John Hagelin as a consistent man of evidence and social vision, and I have seen much good come from this meditation for bolstering homeostasis and self-actualization – to put it in precise terms : )
The great thing about learning TM from a teacher, a tradition has perfected the actual technique, of-what-to-do, specific. Also, there are ‘perks’ to integrate quickly, profoundly with advanced techniques and retreats (knowledge)(experiences). Besides, nobody needs to be alone. I seek fellowship in other meditators because, they are so cool.
Transcendental Meditation is shown in over 150 scientific studies to effectively reduce anxiety, improve focus and learning, and reduce physical and mental diseases. TM is easy and pleasant to do, but must be done properly (taught to you by a certified TM teacher) for these benefits. To put the cost in perspective, it costs less than therapy, and therapy cannot do the things TM is shown in scientific studies to do for physical and mental health.
Dr John Hagelin, Ph.D: Please accept my wholehearted thanks, and appreciation the best values of medication to avoid severe health difficulty. I myself have applied medication to serve patients with Chronic Illness. Most patients have good feedback while on medication and physical treatment. Duc Viet Nguyen, Ph.D. Independent Research for Health.
I have tried every possible way to find a TM class in Columbus, OH but I can not afford even a fraction of the fees. It is amazing that classes are not offered by insurance companies or by the universities or hospitals or church groups and whatever. If what Hagelin says is true then why is it so difficult to find? If TM is as miraculous as so many testify about it seems to me it would be available all over the place. Why not have state and federal and corporate courses available at least at reasonable fees for people like me on fixed income? It don’t make no sense.
I did learn TM back in 1989 as both of my instructors were married and both had a long career in the air force (commissioned officers) and I was at the time a army reservist…don’t recall how I was in a way guided? but I also remembered my martial arts discipline for the 9 years and meditation was an important part to ready ourselves of mind and body that was very effective to execute increase and enhance our physical mechanics and focus…anyways to continue; learned the TM technique but never went beyond that phase of being more involved w/ the organization nor attend their meetings…but I do remember my training and how simple it is and can do TM just about anywhere even if there is distractions and can meditate as little as 10 to 15 mins…or even a 5 min one… I had put off for too long as life had took over of the day to day grind and added distractions to taking on more responsibility than necessary that added amounting stress factors and not really taking the time out to take care of ‘me’… Also not to forget that the ‘heart center’ is where the real action is…
Idk why make cost money, if it’s so beneficial to life? I understand that is part of your job but I had recently been to one TM here in boulder and it’s too costly I mean the people that really should be thought this are those who probably need money…… At least make a free for those who have none and if is it really what they claim then publicity with give them the money. If you have right intentions money kinda comes to you…. Idk I might be worse, and not trying to offend any one, correct me if I am.
Simply eating correctly – i.e. adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet – can provide all the benefits that Hagelin claims are exclusive to TM alone, and in most cases, notably diseases like cancer and diabetes, can surpass its effectiveness. Not to say that TM isn’t worth while – but the sales pitch seems a bit disingenuous at times, comparing TM only to pharmaceuticals which everyone knows are 1) mostly ineffective and 2) extremely hazardous. He also doesn’t describe superstring theory correctly, which is a bit worrying. It’s not even a scientific theory, because it cannot be tested/invalidated. It’s just an idea with currently no basis in reality, no more compelling than believing that unicorns govern the flow of time.
Other than the entire right side of the mind having been obliterated by atrophy; so all creativity, tenderness, beauty, reason, joy, happiness, nobility, kindness is gone, hey, this is great stuff. Calm down; you too can do the important stuff, build a career before your heart attack comes, and well, “you can’t take it with you” so, having NOT come off the wheel of reincarnation, you might want to avoid the white light when you die, because it is the birth canal….maybe being a confused ghost would be better, because there is no physical pain, only psychic pain…good job kids
This is no different than any other meditation technique. Not worth all the money they charge for it. All you do is concentrate on a sound or phrase for 10 minutes or more. After a while you can just enter that mode of thinking and you dont even have to repeat a word or phrase in your head. There is nothing unique about the words they give you either. You can find them online if you want.. You achieve the same effect by concentrating on your breathing or the sounds around you.. You just screen out competing stimuli and you can relax and lower your blood pressure, breathing rate, gsr etc. The science behind this is more interesting than the technique.
20 minutes 2 x’s a day wont cut it, since somehow i sense my mind should be even beyond even this meditative state of mind. Moreover, if 20 min. 2 x’s a day actually heals the body, can I imagine what perpetuity will do for, or maybe 2 the body after the first 20 minutes. just so happens, I was successfully given and administered Reiki. However, the more I learned, the less i practiced. Lisa
Simply close your eyes and quiet your mind you all sound so negative that I’m surprised that you are ever learned how to operate a keyboard to make such a statement. All of us pay for our education and many of us continue to do so. Someone developed these ideas for themselves or himself. You may even go to church every Sunday to hear the word of God from the mouthpiece of our pastors and reverends. And that too is a non-for-profit. So what’s your complaint about the church making money do they too sell the word of God for a prophet.??