About Us

Hello fellow travellers!

We are The Green Family Our family of 5 love to travel and experience the most out of our trips.  We love the USA and also trips to Asia.  Our blog is all about our tips and tricks for travelling, how to book your holiday and we are all about saving money and time.  The travel budget is tight and we love to get bargains and deals especially on flights.

Airboat Tour on the Florida Everglades
Airboat Tour on the Florida Everglades

I am a school teacher who was bitten by the travel bug many decades ago.  My husband Billy has come along for the ride and now shares my dream to travel the world with our three children.The kids Pollyanna, 13, Cooper, 12 and Tommy 9 are in love with plane trips (thank goodness) and discovering new places, experiences and of course Disneyland.

We hope to share as many tips about our travels and how to get the most out of every new place you visit.

Debbie and the Greens