How To Kill Diving Bell Spider Grounded?

The Diving Bell Spider is a hostile arachnid found underwater in the Koi Pond biome and most Pond Caves. They serve as a primary threat to the Koi Pond, often swimming alone or in groups. In Grounded, players face the Water Spider, also known as the Diving Bell Spider, hiding in the pond. To defeat the spider, players need to craft the Red Ant Club, learn to parry, and use an upgraded Pebblet Dagger, Spider Fang Dagger, Stinger Spear, or Rotten Stinger Spear.

There are several types of spiders in Grounded, including Orb Weaver, Wolf spider, Black Widow spiders, and the Hedge Broodmother. To attack these spiders, players should have at least an upgraded Pebblet Dagger, Spider Fang Dagger, Stinger Spear, or Rotten Stinger Spear in the pond. Players can also use a spear to jab them a few times and start swimming upwards.

To defeat Diving Bell Spiders, players need to craft and equip an underwater slashing or salty weapon like the Pebblet Dagger. Diving Bell Spider Chunks are a resource obtained from harvesting the remains of Diving Bell Spiders. This subreddit is for discussing competitive play, national, regional, and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and workshopping lists.

📹 Grounded Mythbusters: Are Diving Bell Spiders WEAK to Salty Damage?

In this Grounded Mythbusters video I’ll be testing the myth that Diving Bell Spiders are weak to Salty damage.

How to kill diving bell spider grounded reddit
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What is the biggest spider in Grounded?

The Grounded Broodmother, also referred to as the Hedge Broodmother, is a giant black spider that serves as one of the game’s major optional boss fights. The abnormal arachnid doesn’t have to be killed, but if you’re willing to hunt it down and bring the special BLT that’ll summon it to the arena, you can get some of the best weapons and armor in the game. If you’re ready for this, here’s how to find the Hedge Broodmother in Grounded, how to beat it, and the rewards for doing so.

CONTENT WARNING: For those who are uncomfortable with images of spiders, be aware that images of the Hedge Broodmother and other spiders used in this guide are presented with Grounded’s arachnophobia-safe mode, or “spider slider”, turned all the way OFF, with spiders appearing in their standard appearance.

The Grounded Broodmother is located in the Hedge and South of the Hedge lab, but the actual entrance is fairly well-concealed. Here’s how to find it:

Grounded Diving Bell spider weakness
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How do you fight a diving bell spider?

Strategy(). Diving Bell Spiders are one of the most formidable foes of the pond, but most of their attacks can be easily blocked with weapons. Their charge attacks can be difficult to block due to their delayed attack speed, and delayed weapon block speed. When attempting to attack them, the player should have at least an upgraded Pebblet Dagger, or preferably the Spider Fang Dagger, Stinger Spear, or even the Rotten Stinger Spear in the pond to easily kill it.

  • Trivia(). Though not seen in-game, it is likely that the silk air bubbles on the plant life in the pond was weaved by Diving Bell Spiders.
  • The Diving Bell Spider is based of the real life Diving Bell Spider. The only spider species know to live almost entirely underwater.

Aphid • Baby Black Ant • Baby Fire Ant • Baby Red Ant • Black Ant Queen • Crow • Fire Ant Queen • Gnat • Grub • Meaty Gnat • Red Ant Queen • Scarab • Tadpole • Water Boatman • Weevil.

How to kill Wolf Spider Grounded early game
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What is the scariest spider in Grounded?

Infected Wolf Spiders Wolf Spiders were the deadliest angry creatures in the early access version of Grounded, and their Infected counterparts in 1.0 are even more lethal.

After a two-year wait following the early access version in 2020, gamers everywhere have been rejoicing over the release of Grounded 1.0 on Sept. 27, 2022. The amusing co-op survival game shrinks players to insect size as they battle a horde of creatures in a backyard battle for ultimate supremacy.

Grounded’s creatures are divided into three categories: harmless, neutral and angry, with the game’s five ruthless bosses belonging to the angry group. Gamers looking to blast their way through Grounded efficiently would be wise to heed the angriest and most formidable creatures.

The most dangerous threat dwelling in the sandbox, Antlions are hyper-aggressive angry creatures in Grounded that require a tier 3 weapon and tier 2 armor to fend off successfully. While they are vulnerable to slashing and salinity damage, Antlions are resistant to all other forms of damage in the game, which make them very hard to extinguish.

Biggest spider in Grounded
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What is the hardest boss to beat in Grounded?

Every Grounded boss can offer a challenge if you don’t take the time to collect some of the best weapons in the Fully Yoked update.7 Mant.6 Mantis.5 Assistant Manager.4 Wasp Queen.3 Hedge Broodmother.2 Director Schmector.1 Infected Broodmother.

  • Bugs in Grounded are no pushovers – show no mercy when facing beetles and spiders.
  • The harder bosses like the Wasp Queen and Infected Broodmother require strategy and skill.
  • Tough fights like the Mant and Assistant Manager offer unique challenges and rewards.

Bugs are among the easiest things to kill in real life; thry are tiny and vulnerable compared to our big human bodies. Since you are pretty much shrunk into the size of a bug in Grounded, it is fair game. Insects are incredibly strong for their size, and you get to see that in action once you are a tiny person.

Grounded: Best Places To Build A Base, Ranked. Knowing where to place your base is all part of surviving the perilous backyard in Grounded.

Grounded diving gear
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What is the best armor for spiders in Grounded?

Sure, the Widow Armor is the best set of arachnid-centric protection in Grounded, but for players not yet ready to take on a Black Widow, there’s an alternate choice. The Tier II Spider Armor is grotesquely dazzling in its own right and is much easier to obtain the crafting materials for. A mix of berry leather, spider parts, and some silk is all that is needed to put it all together.

Though it does give bonuses to poison damage, its real gift to its wearer is a boost in how stamina works. Not only is a 25 percent increase in stamina regeneration given thanks to the Hunter’s Prowess perk, but it also lowers exhaustion by five percent specifically when running out of stamina.

  • Light Armor Classification
  • Set Bonus – Dazzling Riposte: Perfect blocks decrease enemy defense by 20% for 10 seconds.
Grounded spider types
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How do you kill diving bell spiders in Grounded?

Strategy(). Diving Bell Spiders are one of the most formidable foes of the pond, but most of their attacks can be easily blocked with weapons. Their charge attacks can be difficult to block due to their delayed attack speed, and delayed weapon block speed. When attempting to attack them, the player should have at least an upgraded Pebblet Dagger, or preferably the Spider Fang Dagger, Stinger Spear, or even the Rotten Stinger Spear in the pond to easily kill it.

  • Trivia(). Though not seen in-game, it is likely that the silk air bubbles on the plant life in the pond was weaved by Diving Bell Spiders.
  • The Diving Bell Spider is based of the real life Diving Bell Spider. The only spider species know to live almost entirely underwater.

Aphid • Baby Black Ant • Baby Fire Ant • Baby Red Ant • Black Ant Queen • Crow • Fire Ant Queen • Gnat • Grub • Meaty Gnat • Red Ant Queen • Scarab • Tadpole • Water Boatman • Weevil.

What is the best way to kill spiderlings in Grounded?

But the wolf spiders. Don’t. So it’s often useful to look for The Telltale shifting of grass to give away their movement. Give them a wide berth. If you detect spiders in the area.

Spider antidote Grounded
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What is the best weapon against spiders in Grounded?

  • Orb Weavers are far easier to kill, dealing less damage and moving more slowly. They open the fight by spitting webs from their abdomen, which you can easily dodge. Wolf spiders attack more quickly, deal poison damage, and also do a dive bomb attack, which can instantly kill under-geared players. Black Widow spiders feature a moveset similar to the wolf spider. However, they can inflict venom damage which bypasses protective mutations like Mithridatism. The Hedge Broodmother similarly behaves like a wolf spider in its attacks but summons hordes of Orb Weavers, Orb Weaver Jrs, and spiderlings to whittle the player’s health away.
  • To increase your chance of success, consider getting a level 2 Insect Hammer or an augmented mace like the Salt Mace, as well as some level 2 Ladybug armor. For the Hedge Broodmother and Black Widow, level 3 equipment is recommended.
  • Before engaging any spider, take a moment to PEEP it. This can be done by pressing Y on a controller. Using your PEEP.Rs can allow you to glean valuable information from an enemy before you attack, such as any weaknesses or resistances to weapon augmentations. To make it easier, we’ve included a handy table of each spider and its weaknesses and resistances here that you can reference, as well.
  • Approach your spider to aggro it. Its eyes will glow red, and it will focus on you with hungry, murderous intent. You can also use a bow and arrow to get some hits in first, using a vantage point to avoid getting hit. You’d need a ton of arrows to kill a spider this way, though. It’s far more effective to simply beat them down.
  • Orb weavers start the fight by attempting to web you. Sidestep when they do this. Wolf spiders may jump up for a dive attack. You can perfect block this or run away out of range. Do not get hit, though, because it deals a crazy amount of damage.
  • Once the spiders have used their cooldown attacks, they will rear up and try to bite you. With some practice, it’s easy to get the timing down. See the video above on how to block into a spider lunge. Especially on a Wolf spider, do not try and get more than one attack in after a block, or you won’t have enough time to block the next spider lunge.
  • Wolf spiders have a far bigger attack range than Orb Weaver spiders, making blocking a bit more crucial. You can hug Orb Weavers and strafe sideways to simply avoid their bites, but it’s better to perfect block. If you fail to perfect block, you may get poisoned. The mutation Mithridatism can help deflect some of this poison.
  • Hit the spiders in the head as much as possible. Three or four hits with a two-handed weapon like the Insect Hammer will stun them temporarily, allowing for a few free hits or charge up attacks.
  • Repeat this process until the spider is squished. Be wary of the Wolf spider, since it will try to dive-bomb on you again after a few seconds into the fight. Orb Weavers only try to use webs again if you run out of range.
Diving Bell Spider Chunk
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What are Diving Bell Spiders weak to?

Spiders on land are bad news enough but spiders that swim? It’s enough to make anyone shudder, but that’s what the Diving Bell Spider does in the large Koi Pond opposite the Great Oak Tree. To defeat Diving Bell Spiders, players need to craft and equip an underwater slashing or salty weapon like the Pebblet Dagger, as this arachnid is resistant to general stabbing and fresh flavors like mint.

Diving Bell Spiders go down in a few swipes so aren’t too difficult to kill, but they can swim away making them slightly trickier and awkward to defeat. It’s also best to take them on solo rather than try to fight too many at once. Equipping underwater breathing apparatus like the Gill Tube also makes the battle much more approachable.

Orb Weaver Spiders and their Junior offspring are the easiest of the big spiders to kill in Grounded but can still be tough if not approached in the right way. They can be found throughout the backyard but most commonly in dry grassy areas. However, there is prep needed and tactics required for success:

Grounded spiders Arachnophobia mode
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What is the strongest weapon in Grounded?

The Frosted Flake and Pepper Flake are Grounded’s best weapons, primarily due to their unrivaled combination of attack speed, damage, and stunning. These greataxes can inflict incredible amounts of damage on most enemies, and leave them reeling from the pain.

These weapons boast better stunning abilities than club weapons, similar damage to clubs, but with similar attack speed to the Katanas, creating one of the deadliest weapons in the game.

The Frosted Flake unlocks in New Game Plus while the Pepper Flake becomes available in the second New Game Plus cycle.

What is the most annoying bug in Grounded?

So without further Ado let’s take a look at the top five most annoying bugs in grounded mites found in the grassland. These little Terrors travel in packs you won’t run into One mic you’re gonna run.

Grounded spider boss
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How many arrows to kill a wolf spider in Grounded?

I takes about 15-20 arrows to kill a wolf spider. you dont even need to hit the arrow they will just die to the gas damage. if you killed atleast 2, you can craft the tier 2 bow and poison arrows that deal more damage over time than the gas arrow but dont release a cloud so you need to hit the target directly.

If you can’t manage perfect blocks you can also get up on something (rock, twigs, whatever) and just throw a pebble/spear or shoot an arrow at it and it’ll run away and leave you alone for a while.Or glitch out, in which case you can just throw pebble spears at it and be happy for free endgame resources. It’s early access, some bugs are expected.

Try to craft an eyepatch and aphid slippers ASAP. Eyepatch gives a damage bonus which will help you chew through its health and the slippers increase your speed so you can actually get somewhere safe before the spider murders you.Both are made from resources that are plentiful and easily available in the starting area.

Other than that you have to pay attention of course. If you notice the grass moving it’s either a ladybug or a spider, time to get up on something and see which it is.

📹 Grounded Pre Release v0. – Killing 4 Diving Bell Spiders

Showing people how to kill them underwater, actually old video which i never got to upload previously because of laziness.

How To Kill Diving Bell Spider Grounded
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Debbie Green

I am a school teacher who was bitten by the travel bug many decades ago. My husband Billy has come along for the ride and now shares my dream to travel the world with our three children.The kids Pollyanna, 13, Cooper, 12 and Tommy 9 are in love with plane trips (thank goodness) and discovering new places, experiences and of course Disneyland.

About me

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