Dr. Himanshu J. Vats provides seven counterintuitive techniques to prevent nose diving in longboard surfing. He suggests that a connelly tube can nose dive right away, and if everyone leans back and pulls up, they can sometimes keep it from diving down. The higher up the rope on the boat end, the more likely it is to nose dive. To avoid nose diving, make sure the rope has a float and take off the wrap and flip the tube upside down.
To ensure the tube is aired up, have riders move their weight towards the back of the tube until it is inflated. Tow towers work great for beginner tubers to keep the front of the tube up and avoid the nose dive effect. Open tubes are better for young or young or experienced surfers.
D rings on the back of the boat can be used to pull a tube, and a sling can be used to join the two ropes together after the D rings. It is important not to pull tubes from wakeboard towers or ski pylons. A flat tube with a slope to prevent nose dives is recommended, and teaching longboarders to ride on their belly is also recommended.
Another method to prevent nose diving is to breathe out through your nose, fill the mask with air at ambient pressure, and expelling water from the bottom.
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