In this video, players learn how to invite friends to their yacht party in GTA Online. To do so, they must be inside the yacht and walk into the blue corona to access the apartment part of the yacht. The video also discusses how to choose who has access to their yacht and how to get rid of players who are already on it.
To invite people to your yacht, you can use the Call a Stripper on cell phone feature. You can invite them to your yacht for a lap dance by the chair to the right of the bar. Once inside your cabin, you can use the interaction menu to invite other wealthy friends to hang around your yacht in their speedboats with concealed sniper rifles.
If you’re a fan of Grand Theft Auto V and its online version, you might want to consider investing in a luxury yacht. The Galaxy Super Yacht is a yacht introduced in the GTA Online: Executives and Other Criminals update for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and As of the 1.51 Los Santos Summer Special Update released on August 11, 2020. Super Yacht owners can participate in six Co-Op missions, which are accessed from the Bridge. Players have options when speaking with the ship captain over the in-game phone, including requesting a helicopter aboard their yacht.
To invite friends to your yacht party, you can use the interaction menu, similar to your Personal Car access, to choose who is allowed on your yacht. For example, you can invite everyone to your yacht party and give a call to the low-income populace.
📹 GTA 5 – how to invite your friend in your yacht
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