Lives between lives, also known as the Interlife or life between life state, is a period when our souls exist in the non-physical, spiritual realm between incarnations. This time allows them to rest, heal, review lessons from previous lifetimes, and explore their current personality. While reincarnation researchers have not found evidence supporting New Age notions of permanent “soul groups” or “soul mates”, they have discovered cases where people have experienced reincarnation.
The Akashic Records suggest that souls incarnate for different reasons, such as the length of the previous incarnation and the soul’s goals for this lifetime. The duration between lives varies depending on factors such as the length of the previous incarnation and the soul group of origin. An incarnation serves as a role model for humans, exemplifying virtues such as purity, nonviolence, detachment, truthfulness, non-covetousness, self-control, austerity, and humility.
Reincarnation is considered a continuous process until the Jivatma attains the qualifications required for Moksha. In Hinduism, every living being is a physical incarnation of an immortal soul, which continues to exist even after the physical body has perished. Most souls reincarnate in groups with their closest soulmates who become family members, best friends, lovers, and spouses.
Recent controversy has arisen regarding whether we reincarnate on other planets, in the bodies of non-human species. In most beliefs, the soul of a human being is immortal and does not disperse after the physical body has perished. If successive incarnations are logically possible but simultaneous ones not, this gives us a non-arbitrary way of limiting the number of incarnations.
In conclusion, reincarnation is a complex concept that can be explored through various religions and religious movements. It is suggested that animals in our lives may hold deeper connections to the concept of soul groups and reincarnation.
📹 What if you experienced every human life in history?
Examine the ethical stance known as longtermism, which is the idea that we should be doing more to protect future generations.
What are the six paths of reincarnation?
The six levels within saṃsāra, or the realms of gods, demi-gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell denizens, are the basis of Buddhism. While some Buddhist teachings, particularly within Mahāyāna, suggest these levels are real modes of existence, others, particularly within Mahāyāna, view them as symbolic states of mind or experiences. Rebirth in each mode of existence is triggered by a specific spiritual defilement (kleśa), such as pride, jealousy, lust, stupidity, greed, and hatred. These six levels are depicted in the popular Tibetan Wheel of Life paintings.
What is the cycle of incarnations?
Samsara is a concept in Buddhism that describes the cyclical process of reincarnation, which encompasses the stages of birth, life, death, and rebirth. According to this belief system, the soul or spirit continues to exist after death, while the physical body undergoes decay and ultimately ceases to exist.
Does reincarnation ever end?
Some religions believe that the essence of a human being survives after death and is reincarnated into another body. Some believe this process continues for many lifetimes, leading to final extinction (Buddhism) or unification with the original source (Hinduism). Some religions believe that after death, the body is resurrection, and the person lives on in another realm or dimension for all eternity. Some religions also believe in the survival of the soul or spirit alone and its continued existence in another realm.
What religions believe in incarnation?
The Orphic mystery religion, a belief among ancient Greeks, suggests that a preexistent soul survives bodily death and is reincarnated in a human or other mammalian body, eventually regaining its former pure state. Plato, in the 5th–4th century BCE, believed in an immortal soul participating in frequent incarnations. Major Asian religions, including Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, share a doctrine of karma, the law of cause and effect, which states that what one does in this present life will have its effect in the next life.
In Hinduism, the process of birth and rebirth is endless until one achieves moksha, or liberation. Moksha is achieved when one realizes that the eternal core of the individual (atman) and the Absolute reality (brahman) are one, allowing one to escape the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara).
Jainism, on the other hand, believes in an eternal and transmigrating life principle (jiva) that is akin to an individual soul. Karma is a fine particulate substance that settles upon the jiva according to a person’s deeds, adding the burden of old karma to the new karma acquired during the next existence.
Buddhism denies the existence of an unchanging, substantial soul or self, but believes in the transmigration of accumulated karma. The individual is composed of five ever-changing psycho-physical elements and states, and the karma of the deceased persists and becomes a vijnana in the womb of a mother. By gaining a state of complete passiveness through discipline and meditation, one can achieve nirvana, the state of the extinction of desires and liberation (moksha) from bondage to samsara by karma.
What are the 7 incarnations?
The series is centered on seven key concepts, including death, time, fate, war, nature, good, and evil. These concepts are explored in depth, offering insights into the progression of human evolution.
Does reincarnation happen to all?
Ancient Jainism, a post-Mahavira religion, is believed to have survived into the modern era and extensively discusses the doctrines of rebirth and karma. Jaina philosophy assumes that the soul exists and is eternal, passing through cycles of transmigration and rebirth. After death, reincarnation into a new body is asserted to be instantaneous in early Jaina texts. Rebirth occurs into a higher or lower bodily form, either in heaven, hell, or earthly realm. No bodily form is permanent, and everyone dies and reincarnates further. Liberation from reincarnation is possible through removing and ending karmic accumulations to one’s soul.
Early Buddhist texts discuss rebirth as part of the doctrine of saṃsāra, which asserts that the nature of existence is a suffering-laden cycle of life, death, and rebirth without beginning or end. Nirvana, the foundation and most important purpose of Buddhism, is the most important goal. Enlightened individuals can know their previous births through high levels of meditative concentration.
Tibetan Buddhism discusses death, bardo (an intermediate state), and rebirth in texts such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. While Nirvana is taught as the ultimate goal in Theravadin Buddhism and essential to Mahayana Buddhism, contemporary lay Buddhists focus on accumulating good karma and acquiring merit to achieve a better reincarnation in the next life. Saṃsāra cosmology consisted of five realms through which the wheel of existence cycled, including hells, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, and gods.
What are the 9 incarnation?
The Dashavatara, the ten primary avatars of Hindu god Vishnu, are a set of figures found in Puranas and other texts. These avatars are believed to descend in the form of an avatar to restore cosmic order. The word Dashavatara derives from the Sanskrit words “daśa” meaning “ten” and “avatāra”, roughly equivalent to “incarnation”. The list of avatars varies across sects and regions, particularly in relation to the inclusion of Balarama (brother of Krishna) or Gautama Buddha.
In traditions that omit Krishna, he often replaces Vishnu as the source of all avatars. Some traditions include a regional deity such as Vithoba or Jagannath in penultimate position, replacing Krishna or Buddha. All avatars have appeared except for Kalki, who will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga. The order of the ancient concept of Dashavataras has been interpreted to be reflective of modern Darwinian evolution, as a description of the evolution of consciousness.
How many realms of reincarnation are there?
Samsara, also known as samsara in Buddhism and Hinduism, is a cycle of repeated birth, mundane existence, and dying again. It is considered suffering and unsatisfactory, perpetuated by desire and avidya (ignorance) and resulting karma. Samsara is characterized by dukkha, or pain, and is a never-ending repetitive cycle of birth and death in six realms of reality (gati, domains of existence).
In Buddhism, Samsara is a direct result of transmigration, as described in several suttas of the Samyutta Nikaya’s chapter XV. It is characterized by the Four Noble Truths, as dukkha is the essence of Samsara. Every rebirth is temporary and impermanent, with one being born and dying to be reborn elsewhere in accordance with one’s own karma. Samsara is perpetuated by one’s avidya, particularly about anicca and anatta, and from craving.
Samsara continues until moksha is attained through insight and nirvana, the “blowing out” of desires and gaining true insight into impermanence and non-self reality. The notion of cyclic existence dates back to 800 BCE. In conclusion, Samsara is a cycle of suffering, death, and rebirth, with no clear beginning or end.
Can you break reincarnation?
Buddha believed in the existence of karma, which influences future suffering through the cycle of rebirth. He introduced the concept of anattā, which states that there is no soul tying the cycle of rebirths, unlike Hindu and Jaina traditions. He also affirmed that all compounded things are subject to dissolution at death or anicca. The Buddha’s detailed conception of the connections between action (karma), rebirth, and causality is outlined in the twelve links of dependent origination.
Early Buddhist texts, such as Mahakammavibhanga Sutta, Upali Sutta, Kukkuravatika Sutta, Moliyasivaka Sutta, and Sankha Sutta, discuss rebirth. Various terms, such as Āgati-gati, Punarbhava, and Punagamana, Punavasa, Punanivattati, Abhinibbatti, and words with roots of *jati and *rupa, refer to the rebirth process. These terms emphasize the importance of rebirth and the potential for nirvana to end the cycle of karmic rebirths.
Who is the 8th incarnation of God?
In Hinduism, Krishna is a prominent deity, venerated as the eighth avatar of Vishnu and regarded as a supreme deity in his own right. He is renowned for his protective, compassionate, tender, and loving nature, and is also revered as the Lord of Yogis. Additionally, Krishna is referred to as Svayam Bhagavan (Krishnaism-Vaishnavism) and is also identified as Dashavatara or Radha Krishna.
How much of the world believes in reincarnation?
According to Wikipedia, the percentage of individuals who adhere to the belief in reincarnation ranges from 12 to 44, with 20% of the population in the United States espousing this belief.
📹 (CLASSIFIED) “Only a Few People On Earth Know About It”
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Was waiting for my car to warm up in the winter of 2011. I was sitting up straight with my eyes closed, just chillin. Suddenly, in a flash of a fraction of a second, I see myself driving and a deer jumps out in front of me. The deer slams into my windshield (I drove a small car). It jolted me, my eyes burst open, and I gasped. As I made the drive home, I began to notice this looked like the flash. I looked down at my speedometer, and I was going about 45. I slowed it down by about 10mph, and a few seconds later, a deer ran across the road. I pulled over and began to weep. I couldn’t help it. It just kinda……happened. I’m kind of a stoic dude, so this was strange. It was just very overwhelming what I had just witnessed. If any scientist can prove that event was not my mind going into that special state, I’ll kiss their ass. I know what I saw. I was awake. It was the most intense feeling I’d ever felt in my life, and I will never forget it.
I was a hopeless drug addict. Went to jail a few times. Homeless, lost everything in life. I had nothing, nobody, and kept overdosing, but somehow stayed alive to keep living the nightmare. I went to treatment (again), and out of desperation begged God yet again to guide me and carry me until I could stand on my own again. And I believed he would. That was key. He carried me, and still holds me up sometimes. I’m getting everything back now. I’ve been sober for awhile. I have my own place, decent job, starting school in the fall, and mending relationships with my family. Even on the worst days I always have my faith, and that is enough for me. As long as I have that I know I have a chance. I am so grateful and love Yahweh and Yeshua unconditionally for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.
One New Year’s Eve night, I had my friend (my designated driver) drive me and another friend home after leaving a party. I was very drunk and fell asleep on the passenger side of my car. In my dream, I saw us driving down the highway exactly as were were in real life. And I watched us veer off to the left and go over the guardrail, falling and falling into the tops of some trees that were below. I screamed and woke up to see us actually going off the left side of the road…literally seconds away from that guardrail. Thanks be to God that I screamed the way I did because I woke up my friend who had fallen asleep at the wheel. I am in tears full of gratitude as I type this because I know it was because of the grace of God that we’re all still alive. Unfortunately, I have never experienced anything like this since. And coming across this article I am intrigued to learn how I can develop this skill. Update: I am no longer seeking to develop this “skill” and I was wrong to ever think that I should. The Most High has led me this far, that is more than sufficient!!!
I have found this to be true. At my lowest point after permanent spinal damage and closing my business I remotely viewed myself 6 years into the future. I went from almost homeless at the time to owning several houses and land over those 6 years. I just found the answers by asking the right questions to myself. With the right mind state the solutions would just arrive. The Universe is mental…
5 minutes 10 seconds in he starts. 1 Meditate 2 calm your mind 3 Ask yourself what it is. 4 Am I sensing this or guessing? 5 Once you’re sensing it you’re mind will begin to know. 6 Practice Practice Then you’ll begin to know when you are fabricating or knowing. Develop a mindful state Trust the being -ness of knowing
I lucid dream almost every night. Absolutely love it. I have lived a second life through lucid dreams. Made a bunch of friends I’ve known for years…. Made it a mission to be able to remember their names when I woke up. I then found them on facebook and they also know me through lucid dreaming and explained in detail situations we went through together over the years… Not sure what that means but it blew my mind. I could write a movie with my dream journal if I wanted.
When I was 14yrs old I had a dream I met a brunette girl with long hair who I had two daughters with . Long story short when I was 16 I met a brunette girl and I’ve been with her for over 25yrs and we have two daughters together . Crazy how the universe works . I’ve had dreams like these my whole life and I take them very seriously.
When I was 17 living in a farm house close to the mine I worked at . I’d never lock the doors . I had words with another young man about a month before about a woman. One Saturday afternoon after work I had a short sleep. Within this sleep time I had a out of body trip and I seen what was going to happen the next day, Sunday . It wasn’t a dream it was clearer then reality, it was a message that saved my life. I locked the doors and windows was the main message . I did. 4 Man had planed to kill me in my home because I told off the wrong person. I didn’t see it coming but for this message given in grace.
I am just delving back into spiritualism (all encompassing) which interested me in my younger years. Then life struck and the treadmill didn’t stop until retirement. I am awe struck at what I am learning vs the treadmill I left behind. I am truly thankful for the internet and those who share ths knowledge. Thank you for this article.
I had this dream a lucid dream. In that dream i am walking in the street people are interacting, even hearing their voices loud and clear. I am just observing them as i continue walking then one guy suddenly approached me and it looks like he knows that i am not really there he touch me and took my hand and ask me “are you sleeping?” I got scared i started to stumble. I tried to wake up but i cannot.
I was blown up during the war in Afghanistan. I was “dead” for over 10 minutes. During the time I was told I was dead my life flashed before me, like a article tape on fast forward. I desperately wanted to slow it down to “rewatch” everything. But then at one point everything started to slow down on itself and started to fade. It was terrifying seeing my memories fading to black. My last memory of my death was my wife’s smiling face as she approached me on our wedding day. I “cried” to myself in my death that I wouldn’t ever see her again because my consciousness knew that when the blackness came life was over and there was nothing beyond. Then as I was thinking “this is the end” I felt an immense force pull me from the blackness and I was on a helicopter and could hear the noise of the engines and yelling voices. I distinctly remember one of the medics yelling over the noise “I got him, he’s got a pulse.” The next thing he’s yelling in my ear “If you can hear me we’re almost there solider.” Space, time, life, death . . . no one knows that they truly hold for us. What I know from “dying” is that the brain doesn’t die when your heart stops. The brain stays alive for a time and as my brain was deprived of blood flow and oxygen I was slowly fading to black. I don’t know if there is a heaven or a hell, another dimension or whatever the newest popular notion of the universe is, but what I do know is I don’t want to die again. I live every day thankful to be breathing and experiencing life.
I had a dream of being told of my uncles death. Was so scared I called my mom and told her about it. She said he is fine it’s just a dream. That night exactly what I had dreamed came true. To when she called to what my bf at the time said. I did not tell him about the dream because of what he said in the dream and how he acted. So many times I’ve done things and remember dreaming about it. I can also control dreams. Not very long but getting better at it. Also every time I have a nightmare I’m able to recite the Lord’s Prayer and it wakes me up every time.
I acquired this ability when I studied as a Rosicrucian. I have lived my life as it guides me, to the best of my basic ability, but this has never failed. And this is connected to God. Connected to the Christ. I can explained it, but I have never tried because my experiences are specific to me, and not to others. The average person could never understand me, trying to explain it so I’ve never tried, but I hope you can.
My bf and I were trauma bonding a couple weeks ago. He has family that’s abandoned him and mine were just emotionally disregulated. He had a grandma that took him upon her wing and passed away when he was young. When we moved in together and he educated me about her… I immediately felt her presence. he started bawling😥
After my dog got surgery, I thanked God for keeping him well and a truck on the bridge above the road passed by with “we’re always here for you” written on the side. Take it how you want it but I know it was God. Being close with God is not only praying when you’re down and need help, but keeping that door open and staying in touch when you’re doing good. God is your friend, treat God the same way you would a close friend. Be kind and be good
I had a reoccurring dream that I stood in front of our beloved Virgin Mary in tears. She held a little bundle in her arms telling me I could not have it, that it wasn’t for me. I cried begging her to give the little bundle to me and she kept denying me. I asked her if I could see it. She slowly lifted the blanket and saw a little skeleton of a baby. I woke up in tears. I later in life got married and carried my first baby 4 and a half months. My child was stillborn. With sadness I knew our Virgin Mother was preparing me for what was to happen. My lil girl was not for me. I’ll see her again. This I know in my heart.
Believed in everything he said, but this would take plenty of practice and awareness. I remember back then when I was 16 and was meditating and in a very deep relaxed state, and I asked for questions, and they instantly appeared in my mind out of nowhere I was able to feel energies passing by my house So much so that I could feel my older sister showing up at the doorstep, and before she even gave me a call, I was already there waiting to open the door for her I could feel the energy of people and even feel what they’re feeling It was as if everything I transparent
Have had this happen twice in my life. Once as a child and once as a teenager. The one that really stuck with me though was when I had a dream that I was riding a bike down my hill and I couldn’t stop. I put my feet down but nothing helped. I rode all the way down the hill into a wooden fence and on impact I woke up. Didn’t really think about it. But a few months later I had to go get my little brother from the neighbors house. I took his bike not thinking anything of it. But once I started going down the hill I remembered the brakes were out. Tried to stop with my feet but I didn’t have shoes on so I got concrete burn on the bottoms of my feet. About half way down I realized what was about to happen. I knew it was the only way to stop and I aimed right for the fence. Ended up having to crawl back up the hill because the skin was gone on my feet. It genuinely scared me for a while and I was scared to dream. I partially think that’s why I can’t remember my dreams anymore.
I swear i had a teacher in greece who’s main class was chemistry. Although a casual day she started telling us a whole mindset theory that everything comes from nothing and that nothing is that calm state this wise man says. Everyone thought she was on drugs but she knew exactly what she was talking about. I still think most of the people still dont get it but i trust the process. her name was Zagotsi ! Shot out to her for taking that brake to open about something bigger in purpose. For sure she made at least on of his students see the whole thing different.
3 years ago my nana passed away. She and I were very close! I missed her immensely. One day I was meditating in my living room. Within 5 minutes into meditating my right hand began to feel really hot as if someone was holding it and then I didn’t feel my body anymore. I felt one with the universe. I felt light and pure bliss. I just kept feeling like I was flying, soaring and ascending upwards. It was beautiful and I saw nothing but beautiful nature. I was flying over lakes and trees In my minds eye I guess. As I kept ascending upward I began to hear a voice cut through. Though I couldn’t see her I could hear her and it was my Nana’s voice! She was so happy and told me that she was okay! She asked about my son because she loved him so much and she told me that I didn’t need to worry about her. She also had my aunt with her. That had passed away years prior. They both weren’t in physical bodies. They were beams of light. They were energy and I couldn’t see them but I could feel them and I could hear my Nana. When I finally slipped back into my body and came out of the meditation I had tears in my eyes because I realized that we can communicate with the other side. You have to be open and our consciousness can do wayyyyy more than we know. These experiences lifts the veil and gives us just a glimpse of what we can really do or how much more is out there that we don’t know!
Musicians know this. The best blues that I’ve played on guitar just happens, I don’t have any control over it, Its not intellectual its like the universe is playing me. Its beautiful I get emotional thinking about it. I’ve even been moved to be thankful for the experience because I know its not me. It really is a gift.
When I was 8, I had very vivid dreams that I lived in California, and I was driving a blue VW beetle, and I worked in a building complex that consisted of two black towers. Waking up from the dream was depressing because it felt like I had a life, and suddenly, I was back in my room being a child when everything is decided for you. When your sense of self determination feels pointless. But at the age of 20 I owned the blue VW beetle and worked at a black twin-tower complex in California. I didn’t plan it exactly like that though. One day I was walking out of the office and looked up into the sky, and that view of the two towers pointing to the blue sky, I realized that was exactly what I saw in my dreams.
One day I was going to the store I told my mom to come and she said no, she had a weird feeling. I said ok. So I left and 10 mins later a car ran the red light and hit my passenger side of the door. I broke into tear and thanked the universe my mom didn’t come with me… we all have super powers we just have to unlock them.
I am a skeptic by nature. I wish I wasn’t but I am. I will share one experience I had when I was 15. I was laying in bed and decided to remove every thought from my mind and slow my brain to a point of intense concentration. I did this for what felt like 15+ minutes. I reached a point where my concentration was so deep that external sounds and stimuli disappeared completely. I focused on a baseball trophy I had on my dresser. While staring at it I kept pouring all my minds energy into it and decided to see if I could move it with my mind. I kept focusing on it and deeply concentrating on it told myself I could move it. Every second that passed I concentrated deeper and deeper until a final thought to knock it over…At that exact millisecond, it fell over and off the dresser! I was six feet away and there is no way this trophy could have coincidentally fallen over after sitting on the same spot for years. It scared the hell out of me. I never told anyone this story after I told my parents because they didn’t believe me. It happened. I can’t explain it to this day. Telekinesis exists. I’ve never been able to concentrate to reach that level of concentration again.
There are times in my life that I really need an answer to a question and I ask the Holy Spirit who lives inside me for the answer and as I am waking out of sleep I will hear Him speak the answer to me. “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not” Jeremiah 33:3
I still don’t understand how it works but, one day, out of sudden, I was thinking of my ex, feeling sad about the closing I felt we didn’t have, and decided to meditate. In my meditation I told her I wanted to see her, that I missed her, I remember repeating the words “I want to see you, I miss you” in my head. I think I even cried after meditating. Two days later, after taking a bus to my hometown, I went out and I was supposed to eat at a sushi restaurant with my in-laws and new girlfriend. They decided to try the restaurant in front of the sushi, a pizza one out of sudden. After an hour sitting there, I saw a person going out of the restaurant, and my heart went up to my mouth, it was my ex girlfriend’s grandma, she turned and looked at me, recognized me and walked all the way down to my table to say hello, she was shocked to see me after a couple of years after her granddaughter’s breakup with me. I couldn’t even speak….I was in shock, suddenly, after hugging her I heard a shy “Hello….”, it was my ex girlfriend… she was there, I was speechless, shaking inside, she hugged me because I wasn’t moving nor doing anything. “You are in shock…” she said. OF COURSE I WAS, she was living in Canada, I was living in Mexico, HOW is it that she was there, in the same restaurant, at the same hour (a very late hour for having a dinner) right after I said I wanted to see her?
That’s sooooo true…I did this when I was about 12…I was praying for things for myself in the future without not knowing it would happen..i was a kid praying for dreams…now I’m 48 years old and those things i prayed when i was young they all happened that’s when I understood about my power of my mind..RESPECT
I once tried to OD on pills a few years back and i seen my whole past and i seen what my future would have been if i never died and i was struck with sadness to see how happy i was and how everything turned out, and i remember at the end as i was about to die and i started to see the light fade i remember specifically saying “fuck it, i wanna stay” and immediately shot back into my body and ran to a trash can as quick as i could even though i could barely see straight and threw up all the pills and passed out on floor. I woke up the next morning with a completely different mindset. My depression was gone and gained new found love for life i love hearing all your guy’s stories. Reading them made me wanna share my edge of death for the first time. I love you all and hope everybody has a great day! ❤
Once I did a telepathy exercise with one of my friends. We would always say things at the same time and we just felt extremely connected.. The exercise was 5 exact objects in front of each of us well we sat back to back. I would grab an object out of the 5 and try to tell her what object I picked up through thought. She would try to receive that the thought I was sending her. We practiced for a while and eventually I grabbed the object in the middle of the 5 objects. We sat there for about 15 minutes and my only thought that I was trying to send to her was the word “middle” since it was the middle object. She then says “the middle object” and we both freaked out because she said that the reason she guessed middle is because her middle finger started twitching. It was a very amazing and powerful experience that I’ll never forget. Telepathy is real!
There was an old hospital in my hometown that closed down when I was a child. One night I had a dream that I was an old man, a retiring doctor pulling up to the front doors for the last night. I spoke to one of the nurses and reflected on my life’s work there. This all sounds like nothing, but when I awoke, I was filled with the greatest certainty of my entire life that dreams– ALL DREAMS are a repository for all human memory, and each night we dive into a soup of infinite knowledge when we sleep. All thoughts and memories live there whether from Abraham Lincoln or your aunt Martha– that’s why things don’t always make sense to us, but they still feel as if we’ve really lived as a gladiator or banker or whatever. You already know what it’s like to fall from the sky or to fight a wolf, because it’s been done. My words are not sufficient to explain it, and this is not something I had ever remotely thought about, but I KNEW it was the truth when I woke up as if someone pulled the curtain back for me for just a brief moment, and I felt incredibly calm and connected to the universe.
My father was a helicopter pilot in the United States Marine Corps. On Nov 1st, 2005 I dreamt of him dying in a helicopter crash in Iraq. Nov 2nd, 2005, I was informed that he perished in a helicopter crash supporting ground troops in Iraq. I’ve dreamt of quite a few other people’s deaths too. Premonitions are real, but I haven’t experienced them in some time now.
I dreamt my death. I had two dreams where I was shot in the back, and when I awoke, I felt pain in my back. I met a Albanian, guy that was kind of a gypsy and he decyphered the dream, and said that I would die from being shot in the back. A year later that day came, and the guy jumped out his car with his gun in hand, and I thought about running, then I remembered the dream and I turned and faced the gunman, he took two steps back, then said something about police were coming, and he got back in his car. Had I ran, most likely he would’ve shot me in the back. The man who decyphered my dream, had done it once before regarding a LTR, and two days later I got a Dear John, letter. We all have energy that we don’t tap into, we’re all a part of the universe.
Wow…. Buddhist and Christian 8 years. Even though I ventured into Buddhism, I never gave up Christ. In my book, I never had another god before Him was learning the techniques of which you speak. I gave up Buddhism and went back into Christianity with a new viewpoint. Trying to focus on God. Not me. Thank you.🙏
I had this experience and saved my father’s life! In 2007, my sight went to his house and saw two men in it; one had already grabbed him and the other one was coming through his kitchen window. I felt the urge to call him around 4:00 a.m., which startled, but concerned him. Immediately, he grabbed a pistol and went into the front room area in darkness, before turning the lights on and there was nothing going on. The next morning, he went outside and exactly where the men entered the house (stepping on the upright gas meter), there were footprints and the window screen had been removed. Frantically, he called me to convey this information after his discovery, which confirmed seeing this potential crime before it happened.
There is no future because time is not linear. All infinite possible realities exist right now. The vibration you emit determines to which potential reality you are a vibrational match. This is why the infinite field of consciousness has all the answers, because all the potential outcomes are right now. This is also why you can create your own reality, because you vibrationally “tune in” to the potential reality you wish to experience through emotion and intention (which is frequency/vibration). No need to “attract” anything from some distant place. All possibilities exist in the “now” moment. 💯
Did I miss something here..there was a particular house that I always think of owning and living in it, it was also where I would start a family in forward today I met my wife and married whom I never knew existed but as time goes by she told me one time that she grew up in that house and sure enough she explained the house and where it was and it was exactly the house that I always dream one thing I still cannot fathom to this day I didn’t get the house but I married the person who grew up in the house..this dream has a special place in my heart whenever I sit alone and have some quite moments..
Doing this actually just led me here; I was practicing this for years, not realizing it was a thing; I just knew I was doing something different where others were amazed to see the results. Just prior to clicking on this website, I was saying that I am searching. Thank You for creating this website; it is exciting to be here, especially now; I am in my 60s.
My father and mother passed away a few years ago. About 4 months after my dad died I was in between sleep and awake. I don’t know how I got their, but I saw a younger version of my dad and he was with 2 other men maybe in their 30’s. To me it felt like high def. Vivid color and a feeling of peace. He said he was okay. Smiled and I woke up. Tears in my eyes. I never had such a colorful high definition dream like that. I knew it wasn’t a dream. Because I was like half asleep. I haven’t done it since. But I sure want to. So I’ll try this. It felt genuine. I know this isn’t all there is. I feel sorry for people that think it’s nothing after we die. Far from the truth.
I was spontaneously healed from seizures, addiction and trigeminal neuralgia 24 hours after I was visited in some in my parents basement. I didn’t open my eyes when whatever woke me up but I woke up and it was morning (not saying I was abducted) and the following day I had these major changes in my life that I didn’t think I’d ever escape. I can only associate it with that.
Im 22 and been doing this and knew of this since I became fully aware of my own conciousness around 5 or 6 years old. I can control my dreams on command, have out of body perception experiences, see into the past, create and see into my future. I can feel universal energy, frequencies and vibrations. And much much more it’s mind blowingly amazing how powerful us human beings and the human mind truly is. It’s a blessing everyday to be alive and knowing we are completely in control of our mind body and soul.
These are ancient teachings. Things that we had originally taught to the young and practiced throughout our life time. The feeling of energy that courses through our body and the very ground that is under us. The connection between us and the very essence of life is astounding and this is what it means to live. Recognize that the flow of energy is also a part of you and everyone else. You can practice the ability to flow with it. Remember it. Practice it. Even let it guide you.
My daughter experiences this phenomenon quite often. She has learned to embrace it. She is a mild tempered soul so sweet, nothing like her Momma. In all honesty I wish to be more like her. One thing I’ve learned I was NOT always like this…I used to be nice then life happened. My family and I protected my daughter as best we could. Her clairvoyance is real and kinda scary.
I started having this overwhelming ache in my heart like a panic attack, that something was going to happen to my youngest son, and I was going to be too far away to help him, well 3 years ago my son was at school in San Diego state I got a call that my son committed suicide! I think a person’s or mothers intuition can be so powerful and I now never second guess my thoughts or feelings!
It works. I’ve been practicing for quite a few months now and can see images almost immediately when I begin meditating. A few days ago I saw the inside of my brother in law’s garage and it came with an unsettled feeling. It bothered me enough that I wrote it down after I finished my session. I didn’t know why. The garage collapsed today. Nobody was injured thank God. I’m going to keep practicing and see what comes of it. Thank you for sharing what you do with the world, you’re reaching people far and wide and teaching them a very valuable skill.
I love where Dr. Greer is going with his more recent content. His CE5 and collective consciousness, Ritambhara Prajna. There’s a reason we are being isolated and segregated, pitted against each other. Because we are growing ever more powerful with the changing of the planets, we could move mountains if we aligned our mindpower together for the greater good. We are all light
I studied meditation many yrs back when I was going thru a depression. I did it for the first time following the steps on the forum and I left my Bodie and went to a plane of existence I can only explain as a void. It scared me so much I have never meditated after that.. After that experience I have had many, many lucid and epic dreams. All very convincing and some I could control. I hope the afterlife is like my dreams
When I was about 11 or 12 I went to music school. My music theory teacher was an older man. One day, when my mom picked me up, I was crying. I told my mom I felt so sorry for this man. So sad. But I didnt know why. A week later he died. I have had more stuff come true after a dream. Sometimes after a fleeing thought. It is scary sometimes.
When I was in my University lab for the first time, I realized that I saw exactly that lab in my dream a month ago. When I was preparing for University admission exams. I have attended many admission exams. But now I am studying in a University that didn’t wanted to study. I’ve never been to the lab of that University before. When I saw that lab in my dream, I woke up in the morning thinking what was that place. A month after I got admitted, I was shocked to see the exact same lab. To this day, I still remember this crystal clear.
I had a dream of a past life… I was a native Indian warrior, I was wounded in battle. I had been shot through the heart with an arrow. The elders had laid their hands on me and asked me to rise, they called me by my name and told me to rise… I was having this dream while I was sick (or that’s what I thought) the next day I had a widowmaker heart attack and I survived without damage to my heart… I still remember my name… The name the elders called me…
THIS IS TRUE! I was visited by a spirit when I was about 10-12 years of age. He sat by my bed with a long trench coat and a hat. He said that I need to get paper and a pencil and start writing down all my dreams in the middle of the night or when I wake up. We only remember details of dreams for a few seconds from waking up. I did this and it opened up a whole new door for me. I can hear spirits when I tune in, I can see spirits and tell people messages when I feel its okay… I CAN MAKE POSITIVE WONDERFUL THINGS HAPPEN FOR ME AND FOR OTHERS when I put my MIND to it, not just work! THIS IS TRUE! It’s amazing to finally see someone speaking of what I have been doing for many years. Thank you for this article! I’m excited! P.S. My doctor says to me that I AM THE HEALTHIEST PERSON SHE HAS EVER MET. Asked me how, I told her I believe I’m healthy and I leave my hands on my body as I sleep. I don’t work out, I don’t eat vegetables and fruit, I don’t eat healthy… But I am healthy and I am HAPPY! Geez, do it!!!! AND, YES- I BELIEVE IN PRAYER, BELIEVE IN GODS COAT OF ARMOR & JESUS AND I AM A WARRIOR FOR GOOD IN GODS NAME!
Neville Goddard says “there is no fiction.” I honestly have lost count of how many times places/people that I thought were just recurring dreams later manifested as books, TV shows, and movies— like the familiarity and specificity is magical on one level and creepy on another— astonishing yet you feel compelled to disbelieve your own “unprovable” experiences for fear of being labeled a lunatic. 😞🙃
When I was a kid I used to be a really good lucid dreamer. I could change any aspect of my dream, the setting, the place, time… etc… I was able to float, not fly but If I jumped off of a high building or a tree branch I would be able to glide, I tried to fly all the time but never could, I got close but never got it down. There’s alot of crazy things in dreams and connections with your brain that we have no understanding of. I think we need to look more at being a kid and not worry about growing up because kids are the truly connected. Lucid dreaming was my favorite thing as a kid and I can’t get it back to that point at all. It all slowly disappeared as I got older. Now I just dream whatever I dream and my mind runs wild.
I wished so bad that good things would come my way. But no matter how strong my faith is. Bad things are always coming my way. Day after day I fight the world f on trying to take everything from my family. I pray every day that one day all that iv been through will finally have paid off and me and my little family can live in peace without always being broke and struggling.
I have been like this my whole life. When I was in 6th grade my uncle put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The thing I am still figuring out is how, at that very moment, I woke up in a cold sweat with my heart beating so fast I thought I was going to die. I remember looking at the clock and it was 2:38 in the morning. Not knowing what actually happened to cause this, I tried to fall back asleep and it took almost an hour to settle my conscience. At 8 a.m. later that morning the phone rang, and it was my uncle. I knew right away when it rang that early something was off, and it was confirmed when my dad told me it was his brother. I broke into tears from the fear of what was to come. It became a river when we (my brothers and I) were told what actually had happened. I still don’t know what shocked me more; The fact that my uncle did this, or the fact that somehow my body/mind knew something very bad happened. It’s chilling and enlightening to the core at the same time that this is not just fantasy but somehow reality. We are all conscience beings, and we are only beginning to figure this out. Some of us more than others
This happens to me and people in my family quite often. My mom has always told me that we have the sight. I don’t know if that’s what I would call it, but I have definitely had dreams, and moments that vividly were remembered, that I ended up living months or years later, and exactly when that moment happened that dream came rushing back to me. I remember thinking after the dream how real it was, and how I’ve always had the ability to know when I was dreaming. But in those instances it feels real. I’ve dreamt of people that I’ve never met. Even though they say you cannot dream of a face you have not seen. My last girlfriend, has no social media, came from different cities, never lived near me, and I distinctly dreamed about her and details of her before we met. I dreamed of her dreadlocks, the vehicle she drove, even her tattoos. The day I met her, I distinctly remember her. I even blurted out you’re the woman from my dreams. She was flattered thinking I was giving her a compliment. I never did tell her that I literally meant I had dreamt of her. Multiple times, years before we met. I told people about this, and they have always told me everybody has deja vu. But these are moments that I know for a fact, are not dreams when I have them, will come true in the future after I wake up, and immediately recognized when they start happening. How do you think there are all these different books that people find nowadays that depict current events exactly. Books written tens or hundreds of years ago.
I have a good friend that I haven’t seen or talked to in years and out of nowhere I decided to text him and say hello old friend. Something made me think of my friend, Matt. The next day another friend called me and said have you heard anything about Matt. I said what do you mean? He said Matt had a massive heart attack and is in a six hour open heart surgery as we speak. It’s like I sensed that my friend was in trouble. This happened yesterday. I have always been very intuitive but in the last few years I have had psychic episodes again and again on a regular basis. It happens too frequently to be coincidental. I hope Matt is ok!
I’ve been doing this pretty much since I was a child. Growing up, realizing that only very few people around me actually practice their mindfullness to that extend kinda hurt, I felt alienated. Sometimes I even thought I was mentally ill for paying so much attention to everything around me. I think that there’s so much ignorance just because people don’t take this time for themselves. I know better now and besides following my own path, I always try to encourage my friends and give them a place where they can think and feel with their minds at peace.
I love the comments ♥️ Everyone here is going through a completely different journey. Every one is in their own beautiful truth, and it’s a beautiful thing to live in this time, where we can all compare notes and admit to ourselves there is SO MUCH MORE to this fabulous creation than we were told about. It really is a beautiful world you know. 💚OneLove Y’all 🧡
Storytime! I am SO GLAD I FOUND THIS. I have saved it! I have perminitional dreams. By accident. I have seen nearly every member of my familys death twice. I dream it and the coloring is unreal. And 2 weeks later someone is gone. This has happened 8 times to me. It is even in my medical file so perhaps in 100 years when someone cares to look they can see. It only happens with the family members i truly bonded with. And i would love a team of scientists around the world to try and understand it.
I’ve never experienced this but i can read the energy of people in a room to a point of no return. I can tell when a woman feels uncomfortable around someone, or when someone has ulterior motives or just wants some peace to themselves. It’s like my consciousness feels these wavelengths at a higher vibration and it’s why our consciousness exist. We choose the energy we put out
There more than meets the eye, once I was driving fast inside a shopping center parking lot, I was stepping in the gas hard, I suddenly heard a voice commanding me to stop now. Immediately I obeyed, A girl ran across the front of my car, I don’t know why a little girl would be by herself in a shopping center. I didn’t even see where she went. I firmly believe that we each have a guardian Angel or a spiritual guide.
I tried this technique for fun.. the first time doing it real-time while I was chatting with bff in Canada.. I asked her to hide something from me, anything and I’ll try to “remote view it”.. I saw she was wearing black and hid a pink bottle and hid it in the right lower cabinet.. At first I was like ..: That’s it? Like a article playing on my mind’s screen.. and she was able to confirm the next day that I was able to do it💕✨💫 😍 It was so amazing!
I’m grateful for the path I’m on and considering I have nothing of material value, the understanding of my true self is that much more rewarding. I don’t need to be wealthy or have expensive things to lift up a person that needs love. Being financially crushed is a challenge to work through but through prayer and meditation I’ve been told repeatedly “we are here to improve the world around us and to enhance our ability to love everybody and give selflessly! Focus on that FIRST, and as long as I’m drawing breath CONTINUE to focus on that. 100 years is just a flash considering allllllll time.
Usually when I Dream I just go into parallel universes and live a few hours in my alternate life. Some worlds I’m successful and others I’m a failure. Meanwhile in this world I can use the compilation of my knowledge to repeat my successes to prosper more than the successful versions of me that let science block out their perception of multiple realities.
This happens to me and it’s not dreams. It’s like a monster gut feeling. Its saved my life, it’s saved my neighbors life, I’ve known things before hand that happen, I’ve even gotten knowledge about things I’ve never read before. It’s very random but I listen to what I’ve been given everytime. It could be energy from someone you knew that past away and they become a protector, or a way of thinking that we are turning to in the next evolutionary cycle.
I’ve experienced this sorta thing my whole life. One example is…. I’ll be talking to my wife about something very random, and suddenly a word or phrase will come on the television, or someone will call and say the thing that I just spoke of. It still blows my mind every time(and hers). I’ve even been able to accurately describe what is about to happen next, in real time, from a previous deja vu experience, or dream. I have an innate ability to purposely have lucid dreams. I can take myself wherever I want, while I’m dreaming, while I’m well aware that I’m in a dream state. I have an understanding of things that I can’t put into words. It’s crazy. I’m truly appreciative of how my mind works. I only wish I could convey things to others, the way that my minds eye sees them. We’re all born with this sixth sense, I just think it’s stronger in certain people. Examples…. You can feel it when you’re being watched, or if someone is around, even if you can’t see them, or hear them. Also, you can feel when danger is around, or if something just doesn’t seem right. You get a strange vibe from a person with bad intentions. All of these sort of things can become razor sharp, if you learn to embrace them. Some people have more awareness than others, but it’s definitely born into all of us.
He’s right on target. I’ll also say, for some of us, especially if your new to meditation, feel free to choose your time to let this happen. Open your embrace and it can flow in. For me it’s when I wake up. Take advantage of the calm- clarity times when it would be easiest to focus relaxed. Spring or Fall, rain or shine, what’s your calm time? Make it easy to connect for yourself and learn to capitalize on that time. I have sorted out some serious problems through all that. Your boss will thank you. It’s like having access to some hall of records in your mind and things can process very quickly and fully as well. I seek truth usually and truthfully answers almost never fail to come.
I cannot count how many times my dreams have come true. I got into astral projecting and epic lucid dreaming, also waking up while dreaming I’ve mastered both of them. A few times I woke up not being able to tell the difference between reality and when I was asleep. That’s how realistic it was. Once you master lucid dreaming and astral travel it’s such an amazing experience.
When i was a young girl, maybe 10 i never told anyone about this btw. I had a kitten who got lost, and i can’t sleep coz i was so anxious about my kitten. So i decided to sit in a meditation pose and just asked where was my kitten? Right there and then my mind flashed a pic of my kitten hiding behind the toilet bowl. Went to the toilet hold and behold there was my kitten. Btw: i was surrounded by my aunties back then who were psychic/mystical freaks. They love practicing meditation so i was meditating since an early age. Freaks because though they meditate often their character and personality is always ugly. Anyway when i did this again it never seem to work anymore. Worth a try.
Well as a psychic medium medical intuitive for 35 years in my own spiritual business reading energy I can tell you, This is what I do! It takes awhile to become practiced, telling someone their past present and future with accuracy is completely true! Yes you dont need esoteric experience to be that way, its like anything its a muscle that needs practice! Your 3rd eye and your intuition can lead you right there! Sometimes how they describe it makes it seem unobtainable but it isnt! They use buzz words but its not about buzz words its about trust and faith! Ive saved a few lives by letting my clients know what is going on inside their bodies! Ive never done breathing, meditation! I turn it off and on! Dont listen to him about guessing game, you need to practice, practice on your friends get their feedback, it doesn’t matter if you feel like your just guessing! The trick is while your guessing listen to your gut and feelings If you get something right feel what accurate feels like, if you get a no, feel what inaccurately feels like! Thats what I call your body barometer!
I had this ability when I was very young. I remember being 4 years old and telling my mum that her boyfriend was trouble. I would tell her all the time that I knew he was trouble and she should leave him. He had never hurt me, but I just knew somehow. She didn’t listen to me, and a year later, she found out he had a wife and kids. I also remember when I was 12, I was lying in my bed one night, deeply unhappy, and I was whispering to a higher energy/god (I didn’t believe in god as such, I just knew there was a source of something that consciousness came from) I whispered how I wished that when I woke up in the morning, I’d be somewhere else and we wouldn’t have to live there anymore. I remember really imagining it and visualising it. When I woke up in the morning, my mum and my auntie were running around the house packing our stuff up. They told me we had a van outside and were leaving. I couldn’t believe it, I had been begging my mum for years to leave this man, and it finally happened after I had asked for it. At the time, I thought it was just a huge coincidence, but now I truly believe it was something more. As I’ve got older, I have visions and strong feelings about certain things, some of them being so clear that I know when it will happen. It’s always personal things, not world events, type of thing.
I jump time lines to different dimensions, have prophetic dreams, can see death on people, talk to ghosts, talk to God, smell my ancestors when they visit, gut feeling is a real thing, can take on pain from others like heart attack etc. too much to list. I know there are more people out there like me. We need to come together for a huge spiritual awakening and find information hidden from us on who we really are.
I am satisfied with the knowledge that I have learned from the Bible regarding the past, present and future. I learned to move out of the city, get out of debt, plant all kinds of fruit trees and to care for others. I have known what is coming even though the reality of it seems surprising it has all been described in prophesy. Covid 19, earthquakes, fires, unrest is one thing but the spiritual struggle is what we should be the most concerned about because God is going to return and according to Matthew 24 and Mathew 25 we will all be judged by how we treated the person who was sick, in prison or hungry. How we treated the least. And we are unable to do this well unless we know him who gave his life to save us all.
Really great article ❤ Step One get a box have people place items in the box and not tell anyone. Two – Meditate clear your mind through breathing or mantra Let your mind rest on what is in the box Don’t intellectualize it don’t guess don’t try to think. Just be present and allow your senses tell you It does take time to Discern the difference between a mental thought and or a sense of feeling or somatic feeling
I thought myself to do this from the age of 12 onwards, practiced astral travel every night, used to look forward to going to bed lol. I never thought I was mad and I always knew it was a spiritual thing, I was able to control my subconscious and still am now in my 40s.. I would never use it for government, its just my thing. Just wanted to share with you guys ✌🏼. I don’t care if the feds are reading this. 👋🏼hii, byeeeEE
Ironically, I lived a life that centered on the feelings of others. Instead of expressing my feelings frankly, I thought I had to live a happy life that would require suppressing my feelings to avoid making problems. At the same time, I firmly believed that my inner anxiety or nervousness should not be revealed. I tried to think positively or forced a smile on my face, hiding my unease and pretending not to know. There were feelings that discomforted me, that I knew I should not be feeling, yet whenever those feelings arose, I would deny myself and suffer. I thought this was the right way, but reality told me the contrary. I became more vulnerable. I started to use the “Intended mindfulness playlist’ and got much better. It really works 🙂
I appreciate this. No matter my past experiences — I’m here now. PTSD is real. But the only way to climb out of it is by retraining my mind. This is what I’m working on. Your talk is really cool. I’m working to harness this power. I’m a Rosicrucian for this very reason. These are lessons taught. I grew up in extreme fundamentalist Religion —that environment highly discourages harnessing your powers of the mind.
People perusal this, please do not let your natural sense of inspiration and ambition be handed over to this guy! I use to be apart of a very open minded community, and I can tell you that the people with the most knowledge to offer, also have the biggest hearts. This man is all talk, and I feel sorry for gullible people because I’m one of them, but you don’t have to be fooled here!
Yesterday, had a premonition that while on 80-90 (south of Chicago) traffic was heavy, as usual. We got stuck next to a semi with huge plastic culverts, barely strapped in place. I stated to my spouse, stay away from that semi, it would be awful if it tips over. 20 minutes later in our trip, we saw a semi tipped over… not that one.
0:01 For me, dreams (while sleeping) are usually (more-or-less distorted) retakes of very recent events that we’ve been through. Rarely, when we are preocupied with a future event, they can be premonitory, especially because we will stick with the dream our own subconscient created for our conscient. Divine influence in our dream is exceptionnally rare
This is one of those things that need to be experienced, no one can really tell you how it feels like when you are experiencing the other side, jumping from time to place and non-places. Some of these experiences literally don’t have words in any language that would explain it with destroying its essence. Soon you will realised how these experiences are not just your own, you do not own them. Sometimes it’s like you are in a river with no banks being taken by the currents. Sometimes it’s like stepping through doors. How is possible that all senses can be felt as if you are in this state now. This is not a one day thing, unfortunately for most that want instant results, it’s a lifetime thing, a lifetime is not really that long. A minute on this side is a lifetime on the other side. Keep on it, you do not need validation,
My brother and I once had an argument to the point where I wanted to kill him. In a dream that night I saw him get shot and killed by local gang members we knew and I bald my eyes out then woke up still crying. Next day I apologized and embraced him. I believe God showed me the dream and I think he’s cool.
When I am sitting on a toilet and pooping, especially at the moment when I am having difficulties to push it out and it hurts badly, I feel that there is no boundaries any more between the past, present and future. Ohh I am so happy to find this article, it explains very well my metamorphosis during that short, but painful time.
I’ve had a few moments where the activity I was doing felt like I had done it somewhere before, I can’t say if for sure it was in a dream because usually I remember my dreams well. But it’s this strong dejavu moment where it’s playing out exactly like I’ve experienced it before. I don’t understand it but I think on it every time it happens to me. These moments are conversations, events, etc
I’ve had a dream once where all computers went down and everyone had to leave the building and go home, immediately from starting work. I told a family member on the ride to work that morning and it happened! Exactly the way I dreamt it would. It was in nerving but amazing at the same time. I’ve also had dreams where I can change the narrative and talk to myself. My dreams can be so realistic. Last night I dreamt of a old village that I’ve never seen before. I was a adolescent and I was trying to escape from a person who had abilities like jump further, and kill people from a distance or catch up to them far too quickly. It was just far too complex and the details were as if I had been there before. Strange but great to have experienced this.
I joined a short term medical course. During the class the Manager of the school “John Doe” walked by every day. While in class i doodled on my notebook, “I will have “John Doe’s position.” One year passed, I went on to fulfill my role as the certified worker i became. I received a call from the main office (where i attended the course) asking me if I would entertain leaving the field and coming to work in the office (with John Doe) i agree, and within 6 months or less, John Doe tells me he is going to give his 2 weeks notice and asks me if id like to be interviewed to fill his position. I thanked him, was interviewed and hired for that position and just retired on Feb. 9, 2024 after years of service and happiness. *Footnote, while working there in office capacity, I met my fiancē. He’s the light of my life and we’re no kids, 57 and 63!
I remember when I was little, I liked making card houses. I had a dilemma, I wanted to build a card tower that could go up as high as I wanted, without needing a super wide base. One night as I was going to sleep, the answer just instantly popped into my head… I just had to build the base as a circle, and then the next layer up would also be a circle, and so on…
I’ve done this most of my life and never known it. I’ve been practicing listening to my intuition, and I can hear myself speaking to me, and I can discern the difference of whether it’s my brain or my spirit. Its a miraculous mission it gives me to find what the purpose is and i’ve gotten it down to around an 80% success rate…. Its incredible what we can do, and I urge my other friends and family to try this, even the skeptics because i’ve been able to baffle some of them in doing so. I’ve predicted events in the short to medium term. Predicted illness in someone. Know. When someone was hurting or in emotional distress, it’s incredible, and it can go further… But the intellectual in me asks: Why were we not taught about this? And I urge others to ask the same questions.
I’ve had a few things happen in my lifetime but one that pops up in my mind as I watched this was when I walked into a grocery store and there was an elderly gentleman from our local lions club selling tickets for a mountain bike, so I decided to buy one for $5 and it was going to a good cause.. I didn’t have a thought that oh I hope I win it, but as I walked away I had this overwhelming feeling of knowing I already won the bike and it was the weirdest feeling, sure enough I think it was a week or two later I received a phone call from this gentleman saying that I won a bike from the lions club lol gods truth 🙏🏻